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Copyright © Campaign Entertainment AB 1986-2023. Feudal Crown ® is a registered trademark in the European Union.


It is the 12th century and war rages throughout the land...

The year of 793 saw the Caliphate's last Holy War in France, ending with the pyrrhic victory on the banks of the river Orbieu near Carcassonne.

In the very same year a new religious war spread like a wildfire, this time coming from the north. The Viking attack on the monastery at Lindisfarne would eventually lead to the fiefdom of Normandy, the Norman Conquest of Britain, and the Hundred Year's War.

By 1492 this war and it's successors the War of the Roses and the Burgundian Wars had ended with the physical elimination of a major part of the ruling class, and the Feudal system replaced with Absolute monarchy. As the remnants of the Caliphate were finally conquered, a united Spain sent Columbus, the businessman, to make profits in the Unknown world.

Feudal Crown® is the story of the height of this 700 year long medieval history. A time when feudal lords held the real power over the lands, and openly challenged their kings for power. It was a time when military men controlled the economy, and their power were checked only by religious leaders.

And it is the legendary tale of how this entire civilization was defeated, and replaced by it's inverse, a world ruled by science and harsh economics.

History is a nightmare from which we are trying to awake.